Apa khabar? Sihat? Sekarang panas giler kan.. Panas dan kering. Sekarang i laki bini tengah selsema, tapi salman batuk sahaja.. Kesian kitaorang, aku cuma pastikan salman minum susu/air dengan banyak hatta kalau dia minta "chuchu"awal pagi,. tengah malam pon aku bangun sebab aku tak nak kekurangan air. Kalau dulu dia minum sebelum tidur sampai ke subuh baru bangun nak susu, sekarang dah pandai bangun awal pagi, kadang waktu subuh untuk chuchu diaa.. Rasa macam nak bukak counter bancuh susu dekat atas plak, mak yong malas nak turun naik..
Oklah aku nak cerita pasal 4D/3D ultrasound di Shah Alam, sekarang ada promotion RM100 sahaja untuk scan 4D/3D plus ada gambar warna, gambar hitam putih yang macam scan biasa tu dan CD. Paling murah setakat ini aku rasa since kalau dekat area KL dan Shah Alam aku rasa range dalam RM150 ke atas kan untuk 4D/3D scan.. Sesiapa yang sekarang dalam lingkungan 26 - 30 weeks pregnancy boleh laa grab peluang ini. Owh ada sesiapa yang tak tahu pasal 4D/3D ultrasound ni ke?
Boleh baca ni ye. Both my baby aku buat scan ni, cuma aku buat dekat pasir gudang aje laa.. tak sampai ke shah alam..
3D scans are still pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D scans are moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension.
You're probably really excited by the prospect of your first scan. But some mums find the standard 2D scans disappointing when all they see is a grey, blurry outline. This is because the scan sees right through your baby, so the photos show your baby's internal organs.
Both types of scans are just as safe as a 2D scan, because the image is made up of sections of two-dimensional images converted into a picture. There's no evidence to suggest that scans aren't safe, and most mums-to-be gain reassurance from them.
These pictures show the kind of detail you can see on a 3D scan. The image on the right is of a baby at 14 weeks.

If you'd like a 3D or 4D scan you'll probably need to arrange it privately. The clinic may also give you a recording of it on DVD, though this may cost extra. The special transducers and software required to do 3D and 4D scans are expensive. There are few clear medical benefits, and experts say they should only be done if there's a medical need.
3D and 4D scans may nonetheless show more detail about a known abnormality. Because these scans can show more detail from different angles, they can help in the diagnosis of cleft lip. This can help doctors to plan the repair after birth. 3D scanning can also be useful to look at the heart and other internal organs.
The image on the right shows a baby at 26 weeks.

After 30 weeks, your baby's head may go deep down in your pelvis, so you may not be able to see her face.
The best time to have a 3D or 4D scan is when you are between 26 weeks and 30 weeks pregnant. Before 26 weeks your baby has very little fat under her skin, so the bones of her face will show through her skin. If the placenta is at the front of your uterus (anterior), it is best to wait until 28 weeks to get the best images of your baby.
It's natural that you'd like to see your baby's face on the scan. But sometimes it's not possible, depending on how she is lying.
If she's lying facing outwards, with a good pool of amniotic fluid around her features, you should be able to see her face clearly. But if she's facing your back, or if there's not much fluid around her, you won't see much. The same applies if you have a lot of tummy fat.
The sonographer or doctor may ask you to go for a walk, or to come back in a week, when your baby may have moved to a better position. If it's not possible to get good views of her face, you may be able to see her fingers and toes instead.
Source: Baby Centre
Nak tahu kat mane promotion 4D/3D scan ni? Korang boleh ke
Klinik Danial
5-1 Jalan Selasih J U12/J, Cahaya Alam, Seksyen U12
40170 Shah Alam,
No telefon: 03-33587554
Nak dapat harga promotion korang kena call dula lah ye untuk temujanji.
Ape? risau yang scan tu Dr lelaki? Jangan risau, yang scan nya Dr Perempuan yee.. No worries, husband pon boleh masuk tengok muka baby sekali.. Ni antara gambar scan yang telah dicapture.. Korang cecepatlaa buat temujanji.. nanti promosi tamat tak tahu dah berapa price dia lagi.. Setahu aku klinik ni ada jugak buat detail scan tau, tapi detail scan korang tanya maklumat lanjut dari klinik terus yee.. promo RM100 ni untuk 4D/3D scan aje.. Apa-apa pertanyaan lain pun korang tanya klinik yee... yakin dan sahih jawapannya nanti.. Jangan tanya aku plak, aku bukan doktor manusia, aku doktor mesin...
Syok nya tengok aksi baby dalam perut.. Selamat mengintai baby dalam perut :)
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