Pergh.. dah boleh bg tips kenal pasti beg coach dah.. I wonder bila laa aku ni tinggalkan kegilaan membeli beg coach.. belum sampai lagi 1 beg aku dah berkira nak tempah lagi 1 bag.. but bukan coach laa.. yikes.. maybe i should hold the thought until june perhaps.. Birthday gift from husband.. Selamat duit i. Tapi macam terngiang-ngiang je di telinga ni husband akan cakap.. "What another bag, membazir.." hahaha. I dunno darling, i supposed i need to find other things to divert this madness towards handbag elsewhere.. Perhaps another creative project untuk birthday salman??
Ok lah. a few ask me tak takut ke kena tipu beli handbag online.. Original ke.. Authentic ke? Sebenarnya memang takot pon.. takot gile.. Wei seriously takot.. Macam biasalah aku jenis akan berkira-kira nak beli online kalau yang melibatkan duit more than hundred ni, takot jadi tipah tertipu bang.. baik aku guna untuk beli ayam kepsi.. kenyang sebulan. hihihi..
Alhamdulillah, wristlet yang aku tempah terbukti original.. Phewww..
Tips ni bukan dari aku pon, aku google jee.. Gigih mak menggoggle kau.. korang pon boleh google sekali ada banyak sangat tips di internet.. but its basically the same lah semua tips.. Kalau korang malas baca and google, aku bagi 1 je tips paling senang. SILA BELI DI COACH RETAIL yang ada berdekatan anda.. Comfirm original and authentic. Tapi duit di poket / handbag / purse / bank pon kena original berkepuk-kepuk laa..
Ini tips yang aku dapat from various source... VShub, ebay, wikihow
but this tips are from vshub.. yang paling senang lah nak bantu kenalpasti fake ke tak.
Tips #1. Print
Symmetry - All signature C's should be identical in size and in perfect symmetry. Exceptions: Scarf Prints, Optic Prints, Ikat Prints, Inlaid Patchwork and Poppy series.
Mirror image - Both sides of the bag/wristlet will look exactly the same. All the signature C's will be lined up perfectly
Perfectly centred. Never off-centred for Signature print.
It should look like a 'C' and never 'G' or 'O'
Prints on the outside and NEVER inside

Authentic Coach products are perfectly symmetrical and perfectly centred prints
Exception to the general rule

Ikat Prints

Inlaid Patchwork

Optic Signature Prints

Scarf Prints

Chainlink Prints

Coach Poppy Series
Tips #2. The Zipper
YKK Zips
Coach uses only high quality YKK zips
The alphabets 'YKK' can be seen on the zip itself unless the zip has a leather pull
The zip should be sturdy, not flimsy

Tips #3. Hand Tags
The 'A' must always be pointed at the top. The pointed top of the 'A' should never flat or rounded.
The punch hole should fit perfectly and not a gaping hole.
The stitching must be precisely aligned and neat. Fake hangtags will have uneven stitching and rounded edges.
The word "Coach" should be embossed neatly and not printed.

Tips #4. Leather Creed
Made of cowhide leather.
There should be a 5-digit serial number. Those with the "F" preceding the 5-digit serial number denotes Coach Factory Outlet model.
The stitching should be neat and perfect.
The words should be clearly printed, without any grammar mistakes.

Authentic Coach Leather Creeds
Tips #5. Lining
Most current Coach bags have dashed satin lining without any signature prints. If the signature print bag has signature prints on its lining as well, it is probably a fake.

Tips #6. Workmanship
Seams and hang tags are stitched and not glued for durability. All the stitching on Coach items are neat, consistent and precise.

Perfect Stitching
Tips #7. Hardware
All metal hardware are of high quality. The word "Coach" is inscribed on the metal parts such as snaps, buttons and O-rings.

Tips #8. Country
Coach items are currently being manufactured in China, India, Thailand and Philippines.
Ok peeps.. Happy shopping yaw!!
thanks for sharing this...i pun peminat coach gak... hehehehe :-)